Financial Literacy for Everyone

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Visa recognizes the importance of not only providing high-quality personal finance materials to those who need it, but also of being a leader in advancing the cause of financial literacy in our schools and for people of all ages by partnering with financial institutions, NGOs and policy makers. More than 250 central banks, ministries of finance, governments, consumer protection agencies and financial institutions have utilized Visa’s financial literacy resources to enhance their own programs. Using this expertise, Visa has advised and provided programs to central banks and ministries of finance around the world.

About Al Etihad Credit Bureau

Al Etihad Credit Bureau is a Public Joint Stock Company wholly owned by the UAE Federal Government. As per UAE Federal Law No. (6) of 2010 concerning Credit Information, the company is mandated to collect information on individuals and companies from financial and non-financial institutions in the UAE. The information is aggregated, stored, analysed and then produced and distributed through a variety of credit-related products.

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